Use "bite the hand that feeds one|bite the hand that feed one" in a sentence

1. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 

2. The judge says, " Boy, don't bite the hand that feeds you. "

3. Evidently, magazines that advertise tobacco products can hardly bite the hand that feeds them.

4. They lick your hand one minute, bite your neck the next.

5. There is a gnat bite on my hand.

6. The Budtender is the hand that feeds

7. And they wanna bite off more than your hand.

8. Should they then turn around to bite the hand that takes down their volunteered confessions, they will fail.

9. I really only had one bite.

10. A Brawler is a hand-to-hand fighter that excels in one-on-one duels

11. Antonio devoured half his burger in one bite.

12. You cannot eat a bun in one bite.

13. One more promising career at Ford would bite the dust.

14. An example of an Aggressive dog is one that tries to bite or hurt others.

15. Why do generally honest employees take from the hand that feeds them?

16. Dogs that bark don't bite.

17. Great inaugural speeches generally have one memorable sound bite.

18. One bite and you and I will finally share the throne.

19. He devoured half of his burger in one bite.

20. I'd like to bite that lip.

21. 29 You know, the one that takes a healthy bite from your paycheck day after day, year after year?

22. One hand washes the other.

23. Bitewing-Ease is an "All-in-One" seamless barrier sleeve, comfort cushion and bite-wing tab designed for bite-wings

24. One possibility is tetanus from the glass jar that sliced your hand.

25. She must've sneaked into the pantry one day when nobody was looking and taken a bite out of that jelly.

26. "Does it bite?" asked one of an overexcited group of boys.

27. Bite is a casual restaurant with a very unique menu that believes that food feeds not just a person’s hunger but also their soul

28. Although they feed on the blood of dogs and cats, they sometimes bite humans.

29. Freeing up one hand.

30. One hand on the sheet, Joe.

31. Modelling is distinct be like squashy cherry, so inviting that let a person cannot help wanting to bite on one.

32. I remember a company picnic where one bite sent you straight to the emergency room.

33. Baboons bite.

34. Bite, Private.

35. President Sukarno picked up one, took a bite and handed it to Khruschev.

36. Dogs that bite can be reformed with good training.

37. The dead don’t bite.

38. Please would you tell the Brigadier that one-five-one is the combination that unlocks the right-hand latch of a black crocodile briefcase.

39. The one giving the helping hand looked at me and Thorpey but that was all.

40. One hand washes another [the other]. 

41. “Grant unto us that we may sit, one on thy right hand, and the other on thy left hand, in thy glory.”

42. " Army and people, one hand.

43. “The one working with a slack hand will be of little means, but the hand of the diligent one is what will make one rich.

44. It is suggested that one should avoid the use of Antivenine and neostigmine in the management of elapid snake bite once muscle paralysis has

45. The bite of a Bloodworm delivers venom that causes severe allergic reactions

46. Bite sensors, bite indicators and alarms, all being fishing tackle

47. Mistaken kindness, on the other hand, is a weakness that causes one to condone wrongdoing.

48. He states: “The hand of the diligent ones is the one that will rule, but the slack hand will come to be for forced labor.”

49. Girl dress swimsuit is to - and - fro, show oneself on one hand , enjoy sunshine on one hand.

50. (Bill Clinton) Hand Clasping is the superposition of each finger of one hand over the corresponding finger of the opposite hand

51. Within hours of the Bite, you may feel mild burning or irritation in the Bite wound

52. One look at our Bakery Case and you'll crave that first bite of Lyman's Pies, Just Enough Desserts and so much more.

53. 2 WOUND wound [countable] MI Bite a small hole made where an animal or insect has bitten you snake/ant etc Bite Bite of The infection is passed by the Bite of a mosquito

54. The other one is Tachuela, Malamadre's right hand.

55. The boy with six fingers on one hand.

56. Schell added: “Politics, accordingly, is fully stuck with the glaring absurdity that with one hand it builds for a future that with the other hand it prepares to destroy.

57. This led him to believe that either the snake gave him a "dry bite" (a bite without injecting venom) or the heavy bleeding pushed the venom out.

58. S'mores Cheesecake Cupcakes Everything we love about desserts all in one bite! By Julian Philipie

59. He'll crush you with one hand.

60. This is the sound of one hand clapping.

61. One, hold the spoon with your right hand.

62. “Bite your tongue!”

63. Do they bite?

64. That perceived disingenuousness may back to bite Beijing, in two ways.

65. The master angler stood to one side, wringing his hands anxiously, as Revilgaz took a tentative bite.

66. One tank that was disabled by Molotov cocktails and hand grenades still remains at the kibbutz.

67. On one hand, I despise slavery.

68. One is the concentration on the shot at hand.

69. Sandflies are tiny insects that swarm and bite, sometimes drawing blood.

70. Its people have only one hand and only one foot.

71. Bite BEAUTY LIPSTICK Indulge in Bite Beauty's collection of bold, vivid lipsticks

72. Except one was missing a hand, another one a leg.

73. Analysis of its narrow jaws indicates that it could produce a bite only a third as strong as that of a lion (the bite force quotient measured for the lion is 112).

74. Call local animal-control authorities to help find the animal that caused the bite .

75. Let the serpents bite these devils.


77. The air had a frosty bite.

78. Everyone will eventually bite the dust.

79. During that time, the agonist muscles (protractors in distal bite cases and retractors in mesial bite) were supposed to gain a free play of contraction and relaxation.

80. You'll need to feed the paper in by hand.